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A 59 year old female with CAP

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.  Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.  This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comments

A 59 year old female, homemaker by occupation, came to the causality with c/o fever since 6 days, cough since 5 days, SOB since 2 days, pain abdomen since afternoon 

History of presenting illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 days back. Then she developed fever which was high grade, associated with chills.

Fever subsided now.

-Cough with sputum , blood tinged since 5 days

- chest pain since 5 days

-Grade 4 Shortness of breath since 2 days

-No H/o vomitings, diarrhea 

-No h/o palpitations.

-She was diagnosed with DM last year and is on ayurvedic medication for it.

- k/c/o CKD ?

Past history:

K/c/o DM on medication

K/c/o ckd?

Personal history:

Mixed diet

Appetite normal

Micturition normal

Bowels normal

No addictions

Family history:

Not significant 

General examination:

Patient is c/c/c

Moderately built and nourished

Pallor present 

No icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia, lymphadenopathy, edema


Temp- afebrile 

BP- 130/80 mm hg

PR -120 bpm 

RR- 56/min 

SpO2 - 93% at room air 

GRBS - 241 mg/dl

Systemic examination:

CVS: s1s2 heard

RS: BAE + B/L coarse crests heard in R>>L

P/A: soft, non tender, BS+



Serum creatinine- 4.9mg/dl

Blood urea - 177 mg/dl 

ALP- 234 IU/L

X ray: abdomen:

Chest x ray


Provisional diagnosis:

Community acquired pneumonia 

With k/c/o DM 

With k/c/o HTN??

With AKI on CKD with sepsis

? Pyelonephritis 


  1. Inj. Meropenem 1g/IV/STAT f/b 500 mg IV/BD
  2. Inj pan 40 mg IV/OD
  3. IVF: NS and RL @50ml/hr
  4. Inj OPTINEURON 1 ampoules in 100 ml NS IV/OD
  5. Temp charting 4th hrly & tepid sponging
  6. Nebulisation with Duolin and bud escort 8th hourly
  7. O2 inhalation
  8. GRBS charting 6th hourly
  9. Inj HAI s/c/TID
  10. Strict I/o charting
  11. Monitor BP, PR, RR

DAY 2:
Shortness of breath present 
No complaints of fever and cough 

Temp- afebrile
BP - 130/90mmhg 
PR - 110 bpm 
RR - 48/min 
Spo2 - 92% with 8L of O2 .

Community acquired pneumonia (right side )with k/c/o DM
? AKI on CKD.

Plan of care-
On intermittent CPAP since yesterday night.
-Inj meropenem 500 mg
-Inj pan 40 mg
-Inj optineuron 
-IV fluids NS, RL- continuous infusion @50ml/hr
-Neb with Duolin and budecort 8th hourly 
-Inj HAI s/c

DAY 3:
Shortness of breath present 
fever spikes present

Temp- 102.4 F
BP - 120/90mmhg 
PR - 131 bpm 
RR - 43/min 
Spo2 - 99% with 14L of O2 and BiPAP
Biochem inv: 
serum creatinine-6.0

Community acquired pneumonia (right side )with k/c/o DM
? AKI on CKD.

Plan of care-
-Inj meropenem 500 mg
-Inj pan 40 mg
-Inj optineuron
-IV fluids NS, RL- continuous infusion @50ml/hr
-Neb with Ipravent, budecort and mucomist 4th hourly 
-Inj HAI s/c
- intermittent CPAP ventilation

Referral taken I/v/o of CKD component of the patient’s diagnosis:


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